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Supreme Court Decisions/Judgements Directory

Delhi Development Authority ( S ) vs Bhim Sain Goel And Ors J U D G M E N T K M JosephThe 2013 Act As Interpreted By The Supreme Court And This Court In The Following Cases Stand Satisfied : - ( 1 ) Pune Municipal Corporation And Anr vs Harakchand Misirimal Solanki And Ors) Union Of India And Ors vs Shiv Raj And Ors) Sree Balaji Nagar Residential Association vs State Of Tamil Nadu And Ors3 ) Sree Balaji Nagar Residential Association vs State Of Tamil Nadu And Ors) Surender Singh vs Union Of India & Others) Girish Chhabra vs Lt Governor Of Delhi And OrsThe Would Submit That The Impugned Judgment Will Not Stand Scrutiny Of This Court In The Light Of The Later Constitution Bench Judgment Of This Court In Indore Development Authority vs Manoharlal And OthersShould Not Be Available To The Litigants In Case There Is No Interim Order , They Can Get The Benefits They Are Entitled To , Not Otherwise As A Result Of Fruit Of Litigation , Delays And Dilatory Tactics And Sometime It May Be Wholly Frivolous Pleas And Forged Documents As Observed In vs Chandrasekaran [V Chandrasekaran vs Administrative OfficerA Wrongdoer Or In The Present Context , A Litigant Who Takes His Chances , Cannot Be Permitted To Gain By Delaying Tactics It Is The Duty Of The Judicial System To Discourage Undue Enrichment Or Drawing Of Undue Advantage , By Using The Court As A Tool In Kalabharati Advertising vs Hemant Vimalnath Narichania [Kalabharati Advertising vs Hemant Vimalnath Narichania